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How Do I Safely Get Rid Of Roaches In My St. Charles Home?

January 5, 2023

The St. Charles area has had cockroaches even longer than it has had residents. Now that you own a nice house in the area, roaches do not mind at all. In fact, they think that the idea of sharing your house is great, and they do not hesitate to move into any place that they find agreeable. Roaches believe that any home in St. Charles is great for them. If you own a house in the area, sooner or later you will meet up with roaches. A cockroach in your home indicates that you probably have many others.

Nobody likes the thought of cockroaches in their home, including you. If you see cockroaches in your home, call Pest Control Consultants immediately. With over 30 years of beating cockroaches in your area, we are your St. Charles pest control company of choice. 

cockroach on a towel

Does Seeing One Cockroach Mean I Have An Infestation?

Cockroaches are highly social insects. One of the characteristics of roaches is that they prefer to live near others of their kind and only venture away from the main group while exploring new areas. Roaches also ensure their continued survival by being fast breeders. Any time roaches have shelter, food, and water, they breed. One female cockroach can lay up to 55 eggs at a time. Thus, if you see one cockroach in your home, chances are very high that there are others, too. Roach infestations tend to grow exponentially. The more roaches there are, the ever faster the infestation will grow. A few roaches can become a major infestation in no time. 

Pest Control Consultants can handle any roach infestation in no time. If you see one roach or a lot of them, call us. We know what kills cockroaches and will help you get rid of yours.

Can Roaches In My House Really Make Me Sick?

Unfortunately, yes, roaches in your house will make you sick. Roaches are fond of areas like sewers, trash piles, and garbage cans. When in these areas, they can pick up things like salmonella, E. coli, shigella, and campylobacter. They can then bring these things into your house when they crawl on your stored food, countertops, dinnerware, furniture, and inside your cabinets. The roaches themselves won't hurt you, but the disease-causing bacteria and pathogens they drag into your home certainly can.

Because roaches may drag dangerous bacteria into your home, they can cause serious health problems. Pest Control Consultants do not want you to have to worry about that. We know how to get rid of cockroaches. All you need to do is call, and we will help you.

Why Is It So Difficult To Get Rid Of Roaches In My House?

Roaches thrive because they breed fast and hide well. These natural tendencies allow roach infestations to grow rapidly when they infest your home. Roaches tend to live together as a group but explore their surroundings individually. DIY efforts often have some effect on roaches, which is initially encouraging, but DIY fails to get the others. The infestation continues and can grow worse very quickly. Cockroaches are also highly perceptual and will change their behavior if they feel threatened. 

Don't try to outsmart cockroaches at their own game. The experts at Pest Control Consultants know the games roaches play, and we also know how to kill cockroaches fast. Call us today, and let our decades of experience come to your defense against roaches. 

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Cockroaches?

Roaches breed fast, hide well, and can carry diseases into your home. Because of this, DIY methods do not work well for cockroach control. Cockroach infestations can persist and even grow worse.

If you see roaches or think that you have a roach infestation, call Pest Control Consultants immediately. We know how to handle roaches and will handle them for you. 

Tags: cockroach control | cockroach dangers | cockroach identification |