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The Most Effective Way To Keep Spiders Out Of Your St. Charles Home

October 10, 2022

Despite their relatively small size, many people harbor a tremendous fear of spiders. Spiders are a common pest that actively hunts for prey; therefore, your home might have other pest-related concerns if you often spot them inside your home. Some of the most prevalent species in this region include wolf spiders, brown recluse spiders, and cellar spiders.

How do you get rid of spiders that invade your home? Local residents that initially detect a problem involving spiders or similar pests often make the mistake of using mass-marketed home treatment options. Unfortunately, many of these products, such as aerosol sprays, fogging systems, or baiting stations, only generate short-term results that wane quickly and create further aggravation.

Reaching out to a licensed pest exterminator professional is the best option when facing harmful critters. An experienced St. Charles pest control professional has substantial knowledge regarding the behavior of the common house spiders in Illinois and what deters spiders from returning to the property.

brown recluse hanging

Characteristics Of A Spider

Many people wrongfully assume that spiders are insects. Spiders are arachnids that belong to the class Arachnida along with other creatures, including mites and scorpions. The body of a spider has a head, thorax, and abdomen. Spiders are wingless, have eight legs, no antennae, and may appear in an array of potential colors.

As predatory creatures, spiders consume flies, mosquitoes, and many other types of insects, which may help the environment by controlling the pest population. Many spiders form sticky webs that ensnare types of prey while other spider species simply grasp and subdue prey. Spiders lack teeth for chewing or otherwise breaking down solid foods; therefore, they rely on their powerful digestive enzymes for liquifying their food.

Where do spiders lay eggs? Female spiders create cocoon-like sacs that might contain dozens or hundreds of eggs, and with many species, the spiderlings will emerge in only two weeks. The egg sacs are often placed within a web or carried by a female spider.

Most Spiders Bite; Some Bites Are More Dangerous Than Others

Spiders in St. Charles generally will not bite humans unless provoked, and many of the common spiders, such as house spiders and wolf spiders, pose no health risks. The brown recluse spider is a small but potentially dangerous species identified by its “violin-shaped” marking. Some individuals that endure a bite from a brown recluse spider might experience harmful symptoms that require medical attention.

Six Eco-Friendly Spider Prevention Tips For Around The House

Many of the best practices in preventing spider intrusions include limiting the presence of insects and other types of prey and implementing exclusionary tactics that make it less likely that spiders will find points of entry. Some of the tips include:

  1. Limit food access by promptly placing leftovers in the refrigerator or sealed containers and never leaving dirty dishes out overnight.
  2. Keep all trash containing scraps of food in garbage receptacles with lids. 
  3. Minimize bright outdoor lights that attract various flying insects that spiders eat. 
  4. Repair any damaged window screens and apply weatherstripping to any gaps around the seals of the windows.
  5. Use a durable caulk or sealant for filling any cracks or voids on the exterior of the structure that might allow access.
  6. Look inside any boxes or bags you retrieve from storage for spiders before bringing them inside.

Property owners who regularly see spiders inside their homes should consult a local pest control professional promptly.

The Most Effective Spider Control With Professional Pest Control

The team of industry veterans with Pest Control Consultants understands how to get rid of spiders in yard areas and strategies that reduce the likelihood of these spiders infiltrating the property. We look forward to speaking with you regarding a consultation.

Tags: spider control | spider identification | spiders |