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La Valle Homeowners' Ultimate Guide To Getting Rid Of House Centipedes

March 30, 2023

While the thought of having a centipede in your house may be unnerving, the good news is they aren't dangerous. These nocturnal hunters sometimes find a way inside while searching for food, water, and shelter, and if they find the conditions in your home suitable, they are likely to stay. 

Seeing an occasional centipede in the house isn't too concerning. They may accidentally find an entrance into your home. But it is time to take action if you frequently see them around the home or find large numbers of these crawling pests. 

This guide will explain more about centipede pest control in La Valle, including the signs of an infestation and why they can be a problem inside homes. We'll review how to get rid of centipedes and some steps you can take to prevent them from returning. Read on to learn more about these nuisance pests with the pros at Pest Control Consultants.

centipede on ground

Common Signs Of A Centipede Infestation In Your Home

The most common sign of centipedes is seeing a crawling critter itself. These pests are drawn to moisture, so you are likely to find centipedes in your basement, crawl space, or bathroom. They don't leave much evidence around like other pests, but you might see them quickly scurrying away. 

Centipedes in La Valle are sometimes confused with other pests like silverfish or earwigs, so we'll describe some characteristics that will help you correctly identify them:

  • House centipedes are between 1 and 1 1/2 inches long.
  • They are grayish-yellow and have three dark longitudinal stripes. 
  • They have flat, elongated worm-like segmented bodies.
  • Each segment has a pair of long legs, with 15 pairs of legs in total.
  • Their antennae and last pair of legs are longer than the body.

If you aren't sure what type of pest is crawling around your house, or you're having trouble keeping them out, contact us at Pest Control Consultants. Our technicians can help determine which problem pest you are dealing with and the best way to eliminate them.

Why Centipedes Can Be A Problem In Your Home

House centipedes can live up to six years, and their entire life cycle can occur indoors, unlike many other nuisance pests. Centipedes lay their eggs in the summer and can produce up to 35 eggs over a few days. It is essential to deal with an infestation quickly before they multiply and you find centipedes with babies in your home. 

An infestation of centipedes can signify other problems in the home. Centipedes' diet primarily consists of insects, spiders, and other arthropods, so if there are a lot of centipedes around, there is probably another underlying pest infestation. Because centipedes require moisture to survive, their presence may also indicate moisture issues in the house.

Repairing whatever factors are attracting these pests can help to reduce their numbers. Contact us at Pest Control Consultants if you are struggling to determine why centipedes are getting in and the best way to deal with them.

How To Get Rid Of A Centipede Problem In Your Home

The simplest and most effective way to get rid of centipedes in La Valle is to team up with the home pest control experts at Pest Control Consultants. Our technicians understand what attracts pests to your home and have the experience to determine how centipedes are getting in and what it will take to keep them out.

We offer same-day services to help you get rid of your centipede problem quickly. Harmless or not, no one needs to live with a pest infestation any longer than they have to. Contact us today if you have any questions or to set up your free inspection and reclaim your home from troublesome pests.

Steps You Can Take To Prevent Future Centipede Infestations

After we take care of the centipedes in your La Valle home, it is time to take steps to ensure they won't return. The following tips can help to prevent a future centipede infestation:

  • Reduce moisture: High humidity levels in basements and crawl spaces can attract centipedes and other pests, so be sure you have adequate ventilation or use dehumidifiers.
  • Water less: If you frequently find centipedes in plants around your house, you may be overwatering them.
  • Yard debris: Piles of leaves, rocks, grass clippings, and logs can attract centipedes.
  • Cracks and crevices: Any gaps in the foundation or home's exterior can provide entrances for many types of pests, including centipedes.

Contact Pest Control Consultants today to request your free inspection to eliminate centipedes and keep them from returning.

Tags: centipedes | occasional invaders | centipede control |