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Getting Rid Of Mice: What The Experts In St Charles Want You To Know

December 13, 2023

Mice are extremely adaptable rodents found in almost every part of the world. They are a common home invader in St. Charles and can quickly infest your home. If they come inside your home, they can be much more than an inconvenience. These small rodents are capable of causing significant damage that can be costly to repair. They can also spread diseases and cause allergy and asthma symptoms in some homeowners. 

Understanding effective mouse control techniques is important for all homeowners to know. At Pest Control Consultants, we understand that a mouse infestation is something you should never underestimate. Our mouse exterminators see the destruction and devastation these rodents can cause, and we know the best way to protect you and your home from an invasion. 

Mice are notorious for entering St. Charles homes in search of food.

Understanding Mouse Behavior: Essential For Effective Control

Mice are social creatures that live in large groups. They are also territorial, and once they have found a suitable place to live, they will often mark their territory by emitting foul-smelling pheromones. While they are curious creatures, they are also shy and usually only venture out into the open when you are asleep and your home is quiet. If they hear any noise while exploring, they will quickly scurry to the nearest hiding spot. 

Mice are incredibly fast. They can quickly dart from point A to point B in the blink of an eye, making them extremely difficult to track. If you think you recently saw a small object, zoom past you, but you couldn’t get a good look at it because it was going too fast, it was probably a mouse, and you should contact a mouse exterminator to make sure. 

Health And Safety Risks: The Consequences Of Mouse Infestations

If you spot just one mouse in your home, you must take immediate action and contact our St. Charles mouse control experts to ensure it is removed from your home.  These little rodents might be small, but they can wreak havoc on your home and personal property. Their sharp teeth are constantly nibbling on something; they chew through siding, drywall, wood, wire, and plastic. They can chew through almost any object not made of thick metal or glass. 

They are also capable of spreading dangerous illnesses to humans and pets, which can include:

  • Leptospirosis
  • Hantavirus
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) 
  • Salmonellosis
  • Tularemia

Mice can also spread other types of viral infections. Their urine and feces can also cause respiratory issues and allergy symptoms in some people. The best way to keep yourself safe when mice invade your home is to contact a local mouse exterminator and have them safely remove all mice from your home. 

Calling In The Pros: When to Hire Expert Mouse Exterminators

Companies that sell DIY mouse control solutions are profitable. But don’t let their success fool you. These companies make so much money because their products are ineffective, and homeowners usually have to buy a variety of products before they start to see any improvement. 

When you team with a professional mouse removal company like Pest Control Consultants, you won’t just see gradual improvement; you will ultimately see your problem disappear. Professional mouse control is the most effective and permanent solution to your mouse problem. 

Mouse Prevention: Simple Measures To Keep Mice Out

Mice can try to invade your home for many reasons. Sealing any small gaps or openings around your home can improve your chances of having a mouse-free home. If you want a more customized prevention plan, call the Pest Control Consultants professionals today. Our St. Charles mouse exterminators can mouse-proof your home to keep them away forever. 


Tags: common rodents | mice | rodent control | rodent infestation | rodent prevention |