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Ants Be Gone: A Comprehensive Prevention And Control For St. Charles Homeowners

June 25, 2023

Ants are possibly one of the most underestimated pests that invade Illinois homes. These are not your typical annoying pests. If they invade your home, they can cause substantial damage and make you and your family ill. 

At Pest Control Consultants, every one of our St. Charles pest control specialists is committed to keeping you safe. We have years of experience and know the best way to eradicate every ant from your home and stop them from ever coming back.

carpenter ants on wood

Types Of Ants Common To The Area

There are thousands of species of ants in the world. Luckily not all ants are found in St. Charles. However, the ones that are found here are extremely invasive. Some of the different ants that are common St. Charles include:

  • Odorous house ant: One of the most common types of ants found inside homes. The odorous house ant can measure from 1/16 to 1/8 inches long and have black or dark brown bodies. If they are inside your home, you can usually find them in your bathroom, near leaky pipes, or any other area with excessive moisture. 
  • Pharaoh ants: The pharaoh ant is small, but their colonies are large and contain several thousand ants. Their bodies are usually a pale yellow color, but they can also be a pale red color. They are commonly found in commercial properties but can also be in residential areas. When indoors, they tend to nest near kitchens or other areas that have food. 
  • Carpenter ants: This is one of the largest types of ants in this area. Carpenter ants get their name from the unique way that they build their nest inside wooden surfaces.

Ants will rarely travel too far from their colony on their own. If you are seeing only one ant in your home, you should have your home inspected to ensure that there are no colonies nearby. 

The Risk And Health Concerns Of Ants In The House

Pharaoh ants and odorous house ants are able to spread a wide range of harmful pathogens to you and your family. Some of the various illnesses you can catch from having an ant infestation in your home include salmonellosis, E. coli, and staph infections. 

Not only can an ant infestation make you sick, but if carpenter ants find their way to your home, they have the ability to damage your home. These tiny bugs will excavate the wooden surface in your home in order to build their nests. As their colony continues to grow, the wooden structures will become less stable. 

Prevention Is Critical To Successful Ant Control

It is much easier to prevent an ant infestation than it is to treat an ant infestation. If you keep your home tidy, take out the trash regularly, keep food in an airtight container, and fix any moisture issues, you are much less likely to have an ant invasion. You should also check your home's exterior walls to make sure that there are no gaps or other potential entrances. 

Professional Ant Control: A Great Way To Keep Ants Out For Good

Ants can invade your home by the thousands, which can make them difficult to eliminate. At Pest Control Consultants, we know home pest control in St. Charles to help get ants out of your home. And we go above and beyond to ensure that these pesky bugs never come back.

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