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Roach Removal 101: What It Takes To Eliminate Cockroaches In Your Clinton Home

September 6, 2023

Cockroaches are an unfortunately common threat to homes in the Clinton area. These unsettling insect pests can cause a lot of trouble if not handled properly, and most homeowners don’t know enough about them.

In this article, we’ll talk about the basics of our pest control services in Clinton. We’ll go over how to identify common species of cockroaches, the risks associated with having cockroaches in your home, and how our team at Pest Control Consultants can help you get rid of these pests quickly and permanently. Finally, we’ll talk about some helpful steps you can take to ensure that your home remains safe in the future.

roach on window screen

Understanding The Cockroach Problem: Identifying The Culprits

First, let’s make sure you know about some of the cockroaches you may encounter in Clinton. We’ll focus on just two – the American cockroach and the German cockroach. 

American cockroaches are the larger of the two species, ranging from 1 1/4  inches to just over 2 inches long. They are reddish-brown with a yellow band or figure-eight pattern on the backs of their heads. American cockroaches have wings and are capable of short flights. They have six legs and two antennae.

German cockroaches, while smaller, are more commonly found throughout the world. They measure between 1/2 and 5/8 inches long and tend to be found in humid environments that give them access to food and moisture, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Their bodies are light brown to tan, with two dark stripes almost parallel. While they can fly, they rarely do. 

In the next section, we’ll discuss the dangers of having cockroaches in Clinton.

Health Risks Of Roaches: The Dangers Of Cockroaches In The House

Cockroaches are filthy pests. They spend their days crawling through sewage, decaying matter, and other disease-ridden environments. They pick up germs and bacteria on the spines of their legs, which then transfer to surfaces they come into contact with. 

A cockroach infestation in the home can trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks, especially in children. They also spread at least 33 types of harmful bacteria, seven human pathogens, and six parasitic worms.

Now that you know a bit more about the dangers of cockroaches, let’s talk about the best way to handle them.

Professional Roach Extermination: Call The Experts Right Away

If you’re facing a cockroach invasion in your home, the best thing to do is to contact a professional pest control company like Pest Control Consultants. We’ve been serving the Clinton community for years, providing high-quality pest control service to thousands of residential and commercial customers. Our technicians are trained and equipped with everything they need to get the job done right, and we even offer same-day services, as well as a guarantee on the effectiveness of our service. 

When you need the best cockroach exterminators in Clinton, just call Pest Control Consultants.

Maintenance Tips: Ensuring Long-Term Cockroach Control

Once get cockroaches out of your home, the final step to complete control is to make sure that they can’t get back in again. Here are some tips to help you keep your home safe from these pests:

  • Clean up any food spills as soon as they happen
  • Store food in tightly sealed containers
  • Take out the trash frequently
  • Sweep and vacuum often
  • Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture in your home

By following these steps, you should be able to keep yourself and your family safe from the threat of these pests. Reach out to us at Pest Control Consultants for help with cockroaches and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Clinton.

Tags: cockroach dangers | clinton pest control | identifying cockroach problems |